
Saturday, October 8, 2011

: Fisika Education

Name*: fisika
Subject*: Fisika Education
Web Site:
Message*: Physics blog, an online physics lessons for elementary schools, middle schools, high schools. Here we give examples of physical exercises, to exercise daily or for the semester exams, enhance creativity and precision, by training frequently asked questions and solve formulas of physics, and find the answer
We always have a curiosity for the occurrence in nature, and trying to figure out. And curiosity often leads us to new discoveries. The discovery of the laser beam for example. Laser penasarn discovered by physicists who want to know more about the Light. At first, scientists did not have a specific purpose with the invention of lasers, they are simply investigating how to obtain the highest light intensity.
Well, the blog will not lead to new scientific discoveries, but I hope we can try to uncover the lessons of science & physics quite confusing with mathematical formulas. Through articles and teaching materials that I provide, hopefully easier to understand the concepts of science & physics, and can perform their own experiments are fun.
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